Monrovia® Buttermint Camellia
Camellia x 'Buttermint'
Grancy Gray-beard Fringetree
Chionanthus virginicus 'Grancy Gray-beard'
Proven Winners® Little Lime® Hydrangea
Hydrangea paniculata 'Jane' PP22,330
Cool Glow® Lime Heavenly Bamboo
Nandina domestica 'ZHNAN102'
Monrovia® Crownshine™ Osmanthus
Osmanthus delavayi x heterophylla 'Crownshine'
Color Choice® Reminiscent® Pink Rose
Rosa x 'BOZFRA021' USPP34,945
Society Garlic
Tulbaghia violacea
Purple Spreader™ Garden Verbena
Verbena canadensis 'Homestead Purple'
Little Moonshine Yarrow
Achillea x 'ACBZ0002'
Butterfly Towers™ White Butterfly Bush
Buddleia davidii 'MBU08/3'
Dwarf Tickseed
Coreopsis auriculata 'Nana'
Jethro Tull Fluted Coreopsis
Coreopsis x 'Jethro Tull'
Cherokee Brave Dogwood
Cornus florida 'Comco No. 1'
Delta Eclipse™ Crape Myrtle
Lagerstroemia indica 'Deleb'
Little Lucky™ Lavender Lantana
Lantana camara 'Balluclav'
Bandana® Yellow Lantana
Lantana camara 'Bandana Yellow'
Goldflame Honeysuckle
Lonicera × heckrottii 'Goldflame'
Teddy Bear® Magnolia
Magnolia grandiflora 'Southern Charm' PP#13,049
Chartreuse on the Loose Catmint
Nepeta ‘Chartreuse on the Loose’
Greek Oregano
Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum
Saucy™ Red Salvia
Salvia splendens 'Saucy Red'
Dusty Miller
Senecio cineraria
String of Pearls
Senecio rowleyanus
Variegated Society Garlic
Tulbaghia violacea 'Variegata'